What a fantastic way to try out several dishes on the menu while not overdoing the portion sizes! As we all know, portion sizes in the US tend to border on ridiculous when compared to how much one actually needs to consume at one sitting. At a typical restaurant, a couple dining together would likely […]
Read More ›Just wanted to clarify a bit about the post this AM re: Reuters report on how San Fran has become the first US city to ban McD's from putting toys in their Happy Meals… My only reason for stating that it was a step in the right direction was that I feel ANYTHING that makes […]
Read More ›A step in the right direction! An article this morning from Reuters discusses how San Fran has become the first major US city to make Happy Meals at McDonalds less alluring to kids by ceasing to offer the toys that come with the 'food'. Click HERE to get the full scoop!
Read More ›Not in the sense of being annoying; rather I'm referring to using (more cost effective) skin-on, bone- in chicken breasts for cooking, and using an herbed-rub, or marinade or sauce, and applying it under the skin. Bring the (free-range) chicken breasts to room temp, rinse, pat dry and loosen the skin away from the meat […]
Read More ›n and of itself, that is! So unfortunate that we all (myself included) had to experience the nightmare of the low-fat craze of the early 90's! Yes, I, too, was a believer in the school of thought that we should eat a healthy, LOW FAT (I'm talking ridiculous numbers now) diet. Those were […]
Read More ›No, no, no! Milk isn't part of the #PaleoDiet, and it DOESN'T do a body good! This statement from an excerpt in an article ACSM's (the organization through which I'm certified through; one of the few valid certifying bodies!) e-newsletter: The introduction to the piece mentions that the PhD who wrote the article 'has received […]
Read More ›I've written about my love for my #1, #PaleoDiet approved, starch of choice for preparing for endurance training. In his Daily Apple today, Mark Sisson discusses the matter: Click HERE to read on!
Read More ›While one of my favourite meals to prepare is also the simplest- a rare, grass-fed filet mignon steak (I sear it in a cast-iron skillet with….nothing), there's also a lot to be said for the beautiful presentation of a stuffed filet mignon roast. NOT stuffed as in bread-stuffing; rather, I do a saute of mushrooms […]
Read More ›Yes, I'm serious; I eat baby food. Why not just eat a regular banana with some egg whites, right before a workout? NO reason at all EXCEPT- you can keep a jar or two of natural, nothing added baby food in your gym bag and, since it's non-perishable, you needn't worry about it going […]
Read More ›After I received a few requests for a beef & veggie stew I mentioned last week, I thought it fitting to give a recipe for this hearty, easy to make meal, which is 100% #PaleoDiet friendly! -In a large stock pot, brown cubed beef in olive oil over high heat, until seared on all sides. […]
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