After giving a lecture this morning to the LA Roadrunners who are getting ready for the LA Marathon in March, I felt inspired to write a bit about the importance of having a group to run with. If you're already a seasoned runner with a specific training plan and/or a coach, or someone who prefers to […]
Read More ›Dried fruit after a workout is not only delicious, it's a great idea! Raisins, for example, are one of the most alkaline things we can put into our bodies, which helps return our pH to the desired basic range, as it tends to become acidic during long bouts of training. A few caveats- 1) […]
Read More ›Yes, the cold weather is coming (go ahead, call me a lightweight! I admit that after living in LA for 16 yrs temps under 60 do feel cold, but this message applies to feeling cold… and so…) Are you starting to think about staying indoors, and eating warm, filling foods- hearty things like creamy pasta […]
Read More ›What's this? Three dishes going at once… and that's just on the stove top. For those of you who are regular readers, you'll recall yesterday's post on salmon poaching technique (see dish at top R). What I didn't mention was that the salmon dish was just one of three meals I was making […]
Read More ›One of the easiest ways to prep this healthy, wild fish! Poaching is a simple prep method that is totally part of the #PaleoDiet! Slice a lemon, remove pits and place, single file in a pan. Add some water and/or dry white wine. Place salmon fillet on top. Bring to simmer, then cover and cook […]
Read More ›Click here for the full article: TWINKIE DIET A nutrition professor used himself as the experiment; his premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most — not the nutritional value of the food. The premise held up: On his "convenience store diet," he shed 27 pounds in two months. For a class […]
Read More ›Click HERE for a link to today's LAVA Mag article that talks about 3x Ironman World Champion Chrissie Wellington eating kale… Ah- how happy I am to hear of more and more people who are EATING MORE KALE! : )
Read More ›OK- I'll stop with the alliteration, but sometimes I just can't help it. I get so excited about teaching clients new ways to prep foods, as well as introducing them to foods that are entirely new to them! Take, for example, the persimmon: For many consumers, this is a fruit that they see in the […]
Read More ›After the post yesterday about serving sizes for nuts, one reader posted a comment asking how much fruit one should eat per day. I wouldn't feel comfortable making a blanket statement to all and telling everyone they must only eat 'X' number of pieces of fruit. In the #PaleoDiet book, Dr. Cordain writes in the second chapter where he outlines […]
Read More ›After a dip in sales last year, the pizza chain, Domino's, was in a proverbial pickle. Then help arrived from an organization called Dairy Management. It teamed up with Domino’s to develop a new line of pizzas with 40 percent more cheese, and proceeded to devise and pay for a $12 million marketing campaign. Dairy […]
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