First, let me start by saying that, yes, nuts ARE part of the #PaleoDiet . (Of course, NOT Peanuts- they're legumes, not nuts!) Second, the top thee nuts, as far as their Omega 6:3 ratio are, in order: Walnuts, Macadamias, Pecans (interesting to note that almonds, which are often thought to be uber-healthy, have no detectable levels of […]
Read More ›OK, maybe not 'en masse', as you don't want to prepare SO much that you waste! Having recently had a short lived heat wave here in LA, and busting out one or two last dinners on the grill prompted me to take advantage of building a proper fire and grilling up the veg! When you've […]
Read More ›One of my favourite recipes is the Italian Grilled Chicken- also called 'pollo al mattone', which literally means 'under a brick'. How does one go about balancing a brick atop a bird? It's no problem if that bird has been flattened out: Enter the butterfly technique! Using kitchen shears, cut through the bones on […]
Read More ›Mark Sisson puts it quite succinctly in a piece in TODAY'S Daily Apple, his newsletter… Great to have this info so that the next time your mom, your friend or your coworker challenges the fact that you follow the #PaleoDiet with " Cavemen only lived to be 30", you will be armed with quite the rebuttal!
Read More ›Yes, leftovers for lunch are something I'm a big fan of. However, I recognize that there is a large contingency of people who are… not, so much. So- don't throw away what remains after dinner- re-invent it! For example: -Leftover roast whole chicken: Dice the meat, place in a bowl and add sliced grapes, salt-free […]
Read More ›An alarming article in today's NY TIMES draws attention to how much we waste, (despite how big so many Americans waists are, excuse the pun, but I have to bring it up!). Some noteworthy stats include: -An average family of four that spends $175/wk on groceries wastes about 25% of purchased food, which equals $2,275 per […]
Read More ›It always makes an impression on me when I see someone ‘working out’ (or not so much) at a gym… going through the (punitive) motions and clearly NOT enjoying themselves. Sitting on a recliner bike, reading a magazine while very faintly pedaling or hunched over the stairclimber, weight bearing on the arms/wrists. hands with a […]
Read More ›While it's important for us athletes to give ourselves some downtime (or, at least, perhaps a bit less structure), the off-season is also a great time to focus on what our weaknesses are. For me…it's the swim! The more I improve with cycling & running, the more I want to do those sports! On […]
Read More ›I get this question all the time, since there are many families with kids in our neighborhood:"What are you going to give the trick or treaters?" APPLES! No, I'm not kidding. While we don't have kids of our own, I recognize via my clients that raising kids Paleo does run the risk of making […]
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