Prepping Yams…Without An Oven!

I received the following question from a regular reader/poster to the blog who is abroad for the year; a challenge is presented that I'm up for: I have a hotplate for sauteeing, along with cast iron skillet…Unfortunately, no oven. Also a consequence of having no oven is that I can't bake sweet potatoes or true […]

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Paleo Hungarian Goulash

In response to a post of a few days ago about stews, one reader asked for a paleo friendly recipe.   This was not a dish I'd made myself yet, so a quick google search elicited the following recipe which is (nearly!) in keeping with the #PaleoDiet. There are two ingredients that are NOT paleo- […]

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The Best Substitute For Spaghetti…

Spaghetti SQUASH! Use it as a base for whatever you'd normally use for your favourite pasta sauce (as long as it's friendly to the #PaleoDiet , of course; not suggesting you pour on the Alfredo Sauce!),  gravy (as in, a puree of stock and veggies, perhaps, NOT a slurry of flour mixed with pan drippings), […]

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Get On Your (Bike) Trainer!

No matter how pressed for time you may be, you NEED to find time to MOVE!  One incredibly simple way to implement this idea is by using a bike trainer. (I won't use myself as an example because I realize my schedule is (fortunately) quite conducive to getting in my training; rather, I'm going to […]

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Licorice Tea

I've certainly done lots of chatting and blogging about tea…and everyone knows how good a cup of green tea is for you! Aside from the daily green tea I drink, there are several other herbal varities that I simply love, and perhaps my favorite is the Egyptian Licorice Tea by Yogi. Yogi's Egyptian Licorice Tea […]

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Stew It Up!

A client commented to me today that when the dreary weather hits- not unlike what we're getting today in LA- she just wants to curl up with a bowl of pasta, or ice cream or the ubiquitous mocha. Where does that lead? Blood sugar spikes and dips, weight gain, acne and low energy levels are […]

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Craving ‘Carbs’? Bring in the Protein!

I must reiterate that the #PaleoDiet is NOT a 'low carb diet' per se; in other words, it's NOT Atkins!  Does it call for less carbs than the typical American diet?  YES!  More importantly, though, it calls for the focus to be on real, unprocessed carbs found in fruits and veg, and none from refined […]

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Missing Your Afternoon Mocha? Cinnamon to the Rescue!

if you've done a great job of cutting out your sweet 'liquid cake in a cup' (aka a mocha, or the like), but find yourself craving that afternoon treat, now that the weather's getting cool, look no further than the spice aisle at the grocery store… Enter- the cinnamon stick! In addition to offering some […]

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