Meditation In Motion

I meditate when I move.  I've never been able to sit still.  After a brief (failed!) attempt to meditate while sitting in lotus (also not very successful!) I once visited an expert- a lovely, elderly Chinese 'healer' of sorts.   After I explained that I'd felt frustrated at my lack of focus and seeming inability […]

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Another ‘Plan B’ Bar- When You’re In A Pinch!

I always hesitate to recommend bars, as they are, in fact still a processed food.  I will always preface with the following caveat: "I do not recommend that people eat 'bars' every day or every week; rather, think of them as 'plan b', something to keep in your car, your desk, your attache case for […]

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SCORE this AM @ the farmer's market on Ali'i Drive! Fresh, local, organic produce = one happy Paleo Athlete! (Actually, two-Chris & I were both stoked to have found one of our favourite local island foods-the blue sweet potato! Will roast them in olive oil & sea salt tomorrow and snack on them throughout the […]

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Athlete ‘Goodie’ Bag: Oh, Dear…

Not surprisingly, most of the items in the Ironman World Championship Goodie Bag that we received at registration are: a) NOT FOOD b) CERTAINLY NOT PALEO FOOD and, unfortunately, a very good representation of what the majority of competitors that will be out there on Saturday eat to fuel most of their training and racing. […]

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Replacing Salt in the Heat

Nell, Since the #Paleo Diet says not to add salt to your food, how do you manage to prevent hyponatremia when you are racing in the heat of Kona? GREAT question! Hyponatremia is an abnormally low level of sodium in the blood; associated with dehydration.   In potentially extreme ambient conditions, like racing in hot temperatures […]

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Paleo on the Plane to Kona!

Although I've done a post or two about this already, it's worth revisiting as it's a topic that many people ask about time and again:"What can I eat on the plane?" Even in business or first, while your options are better than a plastic-wrapped boxed joke of a meal that you can buy in economy, […]

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With Ironman World Championships a mere 6 days away, I thought it timely to dedicate the next week of blogging & twittering to the big event. I invite everyone who follows me to feel welcome to post any race-related questions you may have.. Fueling, tapering, resting, mental focus- as always, I’m happy to talk about […]

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Satisfying a Sweet Tooth?

Nell,  What treats can I eat to satisfy my sweet tooth? Let's see- how about fruit? Since when do we as humans have to eat non-food items after a meal in order to signal that we're 'done eating'?  Why should we really 'save room for dessert'? Yes, it may take a little getting used to, […]

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