Carne Asada for Labor Day? Cooking with Beer? Think Again!

Unlike a glass of red wine, beer does NOT have a place in a paleolithic eating regime.  Remember, 'no grains' includes items sourced from grains as well, and beer certainly falls into that category.  Regardless of whether you're thinking of drinking it, or using it in a marinade, it's still got grains, so it's still […]

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Missing Sausage on The Paleo Diet?

Make your own! Here's just one option of a home-version which is compatible with the traditional Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer: While commercially available sausages don't have a part in The Paleo Diet, due to their high sodium and preservative content, as well as the fact that they often contain dairy (like that lamb-feta sausage […]

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Salmon: Raw vs. Cooked- Is One Better Than The Other?

"Dear Nell, I notice you mention raw salmon a lot in your posts, as one of your preferred proteins. Just wondering if this is a personal preference, or if baking or grilling salmon does something unfavorable?" I personally eat wild salmon sashimi quite often as I really enjoy the taste and simple nature of it. […]

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Try A New Apple

SO many different varieties of apples are out there- check out a new one next time you're at the local farmer's market. I just experienced a HONEY GOLD apple for the first time- absolutely delicious- give it a try! An apple a day…   

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Paleo Macronutrient Ratio

"Nell, I'm a bit concerned about the amount of fat in The Paleo Diet.  I've always followed a low-fat diet, and for some reason, I cannot seem to lose weight.  Wouldn't eating more fat make me even heavier?" A valid, and quite common concern. The answer- NO.   Fat, in and of itself does not […]

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How Much Yam Should I Eat Before A Workout?

Many of my clients ask this question; and it's easy to over think and get wrong! While you can certainly find many recommendations for how many grams of protein and carb to consume pre training, you also need to follow what your body tells you. Personally, years ago when I started following The Paleo Diet, […]

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Seaweed: What a Great Snack!

Seaweed is one of my fave greens- tasty and super easy to prepare… What if you're no where near the sea? No worries- there's at least one product out there that's 'just seaweed': Check out the ingredient (notice singular):   Here's my recipe: 1) Add some water. That's it.  Literally- enjoy with some raw wild […]

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