Unfortunate that it has come to this but good that it's being addressed… now if we could only get all the schools to be Paleo!
Read More ›Food for thought from an article in the American College of Sports Medicine Newsletter worth reading:
Read More ›Hi Nell, I was hoping you might have some thoughts on the current issue I'm having…orange palms! I have cut way back on my carrot habit, but for a few weeks I was eating at least a few big carrots a day. On top of that, I eat yams at least a few times a […]
Read More ›Using a kitchen knife, cut down either side of the backbone of a free-range chicken and discard the spine (or use it in your next homemade stock!). Open up ('butterfly') the bird and place it open side down on your work surface. Place the bird, Then, grab your meat tenderizer tool to pound the breast […]
Read More ›Many clients ask, "What do you eat in order to prepare for a day of training?". Since my husband and I are both prepping for IM World Championships again this year in Kona, (8wks away), weekends usually mean big volume and intensity together. Today, we each rode over 100 miles and then had a hard […]
Read More ›I can't say it enough- so here's another post about the same old topic- MOVE YOUR BODY! Don't have time to exercise? Make it! I've seen even the busiest executive or single mom of three find a way to make it fit. Don't like it? Try something new! If you're tired of your mom's 1983 […]
Read More ›I received the following email from a reader and am sure others likely have similar questions: Hi, Nell, What do you eat during your long endurance rides and runs? I find that I have to have protein during extended runs since straight carbs in the form of gu or a carb drink like gatorade (ick!) makes me too […]
Read More ›This is NOT a list of the the top ten most healthy Paleo foods, or the ones with the most protein, or the ones that caveman most likely ate. Rather, this is just a list of ten foods that you might want to have ready to eat, stocked in your kitchen, pantry & fridge, so […]
Read More ›Here's the label from a popular diet shake that's an integral part of one of the weight loss programs on the market: Whey Protein Isolate, Fructose, Calcium Caseinate, Natural Flavor, Cellulose Gum, Maltodextrin, Salt, Magnesium Citrate, Soy Lecithin, Xanthan Gum, Guar Gum, Gum Arabic, Carrageenan, Mono and Di Glycerides, Magnesium Oxide, Stevia, Ferric Orthophosphate, Ascorbic […]
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