NO!While you're right to think of grain as the first choice to pack on weight (think about what is fed to cattle in stockyards to fatten them up- GRAIN or added into commercially available pet kibble as a filler- GRAIN), getting too lean while following THE PALEO DIET doesn't mean it's not a good fit […]
Read More ›YES!BUT- here is the caveat:EVERYTHING I WANT TO EAT IS PART OF THE PALEO DIET. Honestly; no joke. I don't secretly walk around dreaming of eating bagels, pasta, cake and cheese. Yes, it did take a little getting used to, but when I discovered in my late 20's that I had developed an allergy to […]
Read More ›"I've purchased a half a cow many years ago and it was a good deal overall but grass fed meat is getting much easier to get fresh. My question is geared more to nutrition, how long does meat stay and what is the best way to defrost?" Great question from one of my readers! First […]
Read More ›Of course, we all like to see a lovely meal presented to us, whether we're at home, a restaurant or a friend's house. It's not just a meal that should be in keeping with a beautiful aesthetic, though… Even a bowl of fruit, in my opinion, can be a gorgeous accent in any kitchen and […]
Read More ›One of my clients mentioned that he's doing quite well following The Paleo Diet, but he had a bout of 'stress eating' the other evening, which resulted in him picking away at some non-Paleo snacky bits that his wife had in the house (chips and beer). Many people turn to food for reasons other than […]
Read More ›Look what I found at Whole Foods: A Purple Pepper! I hadn't seen one before, so I HAD to try it! Purple peppers are a great source of vitamins C & A. They are also high in lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene. Cut 'em up and eat 'em raw, dice them and scatter on top […]
Read More ›I don't own a microwave and I don't feel I'm missing anything in the least. I've had them before and it seems that no matter how top of the line you get, and how clean you keep it, it always ends up smelling like that awful, junky one in office common kitchens! Certainly there are […]
Read More › Description: Pt 2: Hunter-Gatherers - It's been 10,000 years since humans gave up the hunter-gatherer existence in favour of settled agriculture – a transition that has generally been viewed as 'progress.' But some experts say we were made to be hunter-gatherers – and the move away from that lifestyle has led to all kinds of […]
Read More ›I'm a big fan of storing food in glass or ceramic in the refrigerator, NOT plastics. There are enough things we are exposed to (just by breathing?) that I prefer to limit consumption of toxins where I can. I'm certainly not a plastic expert, so whether the new generation nalgene containers are safe or not, […]
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