Here's another favorite leafy green dish! Wash a bunch of rainbow chard and cut out the stem. Coarsely chop the leaves, then set aside. Chop the stem and combine with fresh garlic, shallots, mushrooms and olive oil in a cast iron skillet. Saute til softened- about 8 – 10 minutes. Right before serving, add the […]
Read More ›We all know that we should read the ingredients on anything packaged we are thinking about putting into our bodies, however infrequently that may be, as The Paleo Diet is all about fresh, natural FOOD. Here's a quick reminder that we need to always do the same with even what appears to be fresh food: […]
Read More ›While I'm not normally one who orders soup or broth while out to dinner, I had to go with the sea bass served with coconut curry broth while out with my husband for date night yesterday! Not difficult to make, and ever so pleasant on the palate, try this at home with your choice of […]
Read More ›For those of you who LOVE Italian, and LOVE pesto, there's no reason to forgo it in order to keep paleo. How? Simply skip the parm and you won't miss a beat! Combine the following in your mini-prep food processor: 2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup cold […]
Read More ›If you're new to my blog, or new to The Paleo Diet, and you're an athlete, you may be wondering how to properly fuel for a workout, since many of the sports nutrition options are out as they often contain grains, dairy and legumes (like soy and peanuts). The answer? YAMS! Yams are a great […]
Read More ›It can be- or it can be 180 degrees away from Paleo! As always, CHECK THE LABEL! While a simple trail mix that you might make at home of raw walnuts & cashews and some natural raisins would be in keeping with Paleo foods (although- be aware of how much dried fruit you're eating as […]
Read More ›While water should be your main source of fluid, if you fall into the category, as some of my own clients do, of feeling 'bored' of plain water, try the following alternatives: – Brew decaf green tea and leave it in the fridge. Have that in lieu of water, or dilute it with water and […]
Read More ›On the occasional day when I'm don't have an AM workout, I LOVE having veg for breakfast. Here's one of my favorites: Steam some broccoli, hard boil some eggs; combine and serve with sliced apple, a bit of avocado and freshly ground pepper. While it may seem foreign to some to eat veg in the […]
Read More ›I've posted before about another version of my raw kale salad- guaranteed to turn even those kale-haters you may know around! Here's a different option: Wash red & green kale and remove stems. Coarsely chop leaves. Place in shallow, wiide dish. Drizzle olive or flax oil on top. Add a handful of dried, natural, unsweetened […]
Read More ›A little piece of history… One my second date with my husband, he invited me for a home cooked dinner. The first offering on the menu was a salad, but not just any salad, a salad with veg, AND fruit, AND cashews, AND avocado…. exactly the same type of salad I'd always made for myself, […]
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