Lean Pork Loin with a Dried Fruit ‘Stuffing’

Here's an EASY way to do lean pork! -Combine chopped dried cranberries & apricots with water and heat over a medium flame until soft.  Set aside and drain. -Halve an organic pork loin and pat dry.  Cut a slit down the middle of each half. -Stuff the dried fruit into each slit and put both […]

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Walnut Butter

As long as I've been following The Paleo Diet, I've not missed peanut butter one iota, as I easily found I could substitute almond butter.  Despite it's almost undetectable levels of Omega 3s (which are the GOOD, anti inflammatory fats), I am not too particularly concerned about eating it, as I am always sure to […]

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Is Caffeine OK on The Paleo Diet?

I would be quite the hypocrite if I counseled clients to never drink coffee, as I do love a good, black espresso with the perfect head of crema (that's crema from the pour, NOT as in 'cream!), before a workout! Here are the caveats: 1) If you are following an Auto Immune Plan, it would […]

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Food Revolution

Do you have kids?  Do you care what they're eating in school?   Or, even if you don't have kids, if you're a tax payer and concerned with the long term implications of children of all ages being fed pure crap, for lack of a better term, like diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and heart disease, […]

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Macadamia Chicken- Tropical, Light, Fresh & Easy

-Pat dry boneless, skinless chicken breast.  Season with freshly ground pepper, then coat with finely chopped macadamias. -Cook in a cast iron skillet with a splash of canola oil for roughly 4' per side- and check to ensure internal temp is 160F, then set aside. -Combine coconut milk with some freshly chopped lemon grass, and […]

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Dandelion Greens- Healthy, Tasty & Something New!

Practicing what I preach, I always LOVE trying new fruits & veg.  I must say that I honestly don't remember having eaten this lovely, bitter greens before.  I made such an easy dinner- easy is sometimes the most delectable, which was eyes-rolling-back-in-the-head delish! Health benefits of eating this green include: strong antiviral properties, helps promote digestion and […]

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Paleo Easter

When I think of an Easter meal, many of the dishes that come to mind are easily converted to a Paleo-esque format without too much difficulty. If you’re starting your meal with a plate of cheese and crackers, why not offer a fresh, spring vegetable crudités plate drizzled with lemon and freshly chopped herbs? Having […]

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Another Great Way to Prepare Eggplant- As A Puree

As long as you're not following an Auto Immune Diet, Eggplant is a great part of a Paleolithic Diet. Today, I prepared them as followed, to accompany Halibut Steaks: -Half eggplants, score the cut side and lightly pepper them, then place, cut side down in a flat baking pan with a 1/2 " of water. […]

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Yum- Play-Doh? Or Bread? What’s The Difference?

Yesterday, while having a conversation about The Paleo Diet with our massage therapist, who is also quite hip to the Hunter Gatherer vibe, the topic of starch came up.   Specifically, how many (sedentary) people feel they need to eat processed starch at every  meal. Our masseuse said, "Yuck, who wants to eat sludge at […]

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