The Kale Challenge- My Raw Kale Recipe

One bunch each of Red, Green and Dino Kale Freshly Chopped Red Onion Freshly Chopped Garlic Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin Olive OIl Fresh Lime Juice Black Pepper Chopped Fresh Tomato Clean and chop kale finely; place in large flat bowl.  Top wit chopped garlic & onion and mix well.  Pour olive oil on top mix again, […]

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The Veg Challenge

After hosting a dinner on Saturday, which was, of course, Paleo, for guests that perhaps may not be, I felt inclined to write about one of my dishes- the KALE! Everyone who attended commented that they enjoyed the kale more than any kale they'd had before. I made my raw kale salad- chopped with red […]

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Dinner Parties- Paleo Style

Do you enjoy the Paleo LIfestyle but feel uncomfortable hosting a dinner party with guests who may not?   I've come across this issue with many clients who feel the need to buy or cook things they'd never normally have in the house, simply because their friends 'Bob & Jane don't do Paleo'! Flip that […]

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Are you missing your yogurt?

Many people still feel that they need to consume dairy, because they think it's a great way to get Calcium.  Or they miss the convenience of grabbing a cup of yogurt as a 'safe' snack.  Perhaps- and this is more in line with the purpose of today's blog, they are looking for a proper substitute […]

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Chewing gum, and mints and breath fresheners…

What do they all have in common?  Many of the, unfortunately. contain SORBITOL, which is a low-calorie sugar alcohol, so as to lower the caloric content of these candies.  (Come on, now, that's what they are!). Interesting to note that sorbitol is also indicated for use as a laxative.   Furthermore, it's also interesting to […]

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Greek Chicken & Salad- Paleo Style

Love a Greek Salad but shying away because of the feta?  Leave it out?    Adore the tender chicken, but prefer not to indulge due to the yogurt marinade?  Use lemon and coconut milk instead?  Yes, the latter may give a bit more of a 'tropical' feel to the dish, but it serves a similar […]

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Mix & Match Your Greens!

I can't tell you how many times my clients have commented that they see greens in the store and simply don't know what to do with them. There are so many ways to enjoy them, and none of the prep methods I suggest are the least bit complicated. With ANY green leafy veg, try: -saute […]

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2011 Ancestral Health Symposium Coming to Los Angeles

I was just invited to participate, next year in The Ancestral Health Symposium: The Ancestral Health Symposium fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and translational efforts between research scientists, physicians, health experts/professionals, and patients who study and communicate about the human ecological niche and modern health from an evolutionary perspective to develop innovative solutions to our current health challenge. Learn more […]

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Peanuts Are Not Nuts!

Many of you who already follow The Paleo Diet know that peanuts aren't nuts, but peas! AKA legumes! As in, they contribute to leaky gut, contain anti nutrients and do NOT have a place in a healthy diet. It's all I can do not to say anything when I see a mom giving her kids […]

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Paleo = Caveman? Or not…

After the recent article in the NY Times about Paleo living, it dawned on me one reason why some people might be put off from eating this way.  The idea of an all or nothing approach might potentially dissuade those who otherwise might be inclined to give it a try! Certainly, I don't intent to […]

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