While it may not be as obvious as allowing the little ones to win the battle in which they’re begging for candy at the grocery store, many a seemingly healthy snack option for kids is still filled to the brim with it. And with the kids home from school and sleep away camp having ended, many […]
Read More ›I know, I know. It sounds crazy, right? Eating real food to prepare for an endurance event the next day, such as the Ironman I raced in last weekend up in Sonoma? And not just eating real food… (are you ready for this?) but not focusing on an abundance of carbohydrates in anticipation for the […]
Read More ›I do not think everyone needs to race Ironman Triathlon. Not because I don’t think anyone can do it; rather, I feel the need to put out this disclaimer in order to preface my post. I do believe everyone needs to move in some capacity, and once you read this, you’ll see what I mean. […]
Read More ›A little over a week ago, I wrote a post about my experience at my most recent race, Ironman Vineman 70.3. In it, I focused largely on the role meditation played not only in the race itself, but in the days leading up to it. I’m in the process of working on my own personal […]
Read More ›Veggies A- Z; E is for Eggplant OK, ok, it’s not technically a veggie; it’s a fruit. The eggplant, aubergine, melongene, brinjal or guinea squash is a plant of the family Solanaceae and is grown for its usually egg-shaped fleshy fruit and is eaten as a cooked vegetable. Some even consider it a berry (1). […]
Read More ›It was all in my head. Seriously. Last Sunday’s Ironman Vineman 70.3 was a wonderful day at the races. I won my age group. I worked hard all day, stayed on task and broke my time from the same race one year before, where I won with a slower time. I’d been training hard, but […]
Read More ›When we had our house repainted, I was surprised that the painters didn’t wear anything on their faces to prevent inhaling the noxious fumes. And when our neighbors have their yard tended to by a different company than the one we use for our garden, the crew, using backpack gas grass blowers, weed-wackers and some […]
Read More ›126. That’s the number of unique chemical ingredients that the average american puts on their body each morning in the average 9 personal care items used on a daily basis, according to the Environmental Working Group. None of which, by the way, have been tested to determine safety. Think I’m exaggerating? I wish. The FDA’s […]
Read More ›How’s that boot camp shaping up your booty? With today being the first official day of the summer, chances are strong that you’ve begun some sort of new fitness routine in order to get beach body ready by the time you’re ready to hit the beach. Thankfully, gone are the days when the only options […]
Read More ›How’s that for an attention grabbing headline? Both were listed on a google alert I receive, just last week. So what version of the paleo diet, then, is the one which is linked to nutritional deficiencies? The one with Twix bars? Indeed, the image of the meal above does look quite dangerous. I had to […]
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