Paleo Versus Vegan: Must it be an Opposition?

Yin and Yang. A phrase we use quite often, and possibly without understanding its true meaning. According to a Chinese theory, they’re two forces in the universe, Yin being the passive, negative force, and yang the active, positive counterpart. In keeping with this theory, wise people will detect these forces in the seasons, in their […]

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Its. Not. Food.

National Fast Food Day is observed annually on November 16.  On this day each year people all across the country celebrate by going through the drive-thru, dining inside or ordering their fast food to go.  First popularized in the United States in the 1950’s, fast food is considered any meal with low preparation time and […]

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Is Fat Acceptance One Size Fits All?

Ouch. I know this is a touchy subject and there’s a chance some readers will be offended, but as the saying goes, you can’t please everyone. So I’m broaching the subject. Last week, in an article in the New York Times[1], the actress / fashion designer Rebel Wilson was profiled. We know her from her […]

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Soup it Up

Soup. Warming and nourishing, it feeds the soul. What’s better to warm you up on a cold, autumn day or to help the body heal from a nasty cold bug? Homemade, of course, lends itself to being the healthiest we can get. Since we’re totally in control of what goes into it, and can be […]

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Dining Diwali Style

Millions of people around the world are celebrating Diwali today. Known as the festival of lights, it symbolizes good over evil and light over darkness and is celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs in India and around the world. In Nepal, during their equivalent festival, Tihar, dogs who are considered to be messengers of the God […]

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Organic Avenue, Juicing and Health Trends

My husband and I spent most of 2014 living in Manhattan. We’d made the temporary move to save him the weekly commute back and forth from New York to LA, which he’d been doing since 2011. When I was there full time, as opposed to the regular visits I’d make prior to the move, I […]

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Beautify Yourself a Little More

Los Angeles Magazine. LA Yoga. Soul Cycle. Ever heard of any of these companies? If you’re an Angeleno, or even if you’re not, but you’re someone who’s interested in the health, wellness, fitness and nutrition space, chances are high that you’re not only familiar with them, but you read them, take the classes and live […]

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National Stress Awareness Day

  OMG! Everything’s happening at once. The kids are late for school, the dog has tracked in a twenty-foot trail of mud and your boss just sent you a text to notify you that the noon presentation has been moved up an hour. You suddenly feel like it’s becoming hard to breath and it’s all […]

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