Could You Kill Your Dinner?

In the Sunday Times on the 6th, there was an article that piqued my attention right off the bat, entitled Blessed Be My Freshly Slaughtered Dinner[1]. The opening sentence begs an important question: “Could you look through a rifle’s scope into the long-lashed eyes of an elk and pull the trigger if it would be […]

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Back to School Meals for Kids

Here’s the funny thing: why is it that we feel kids need special food compared to adults? I’m not referring to infants (duh), or really little ones who don’t yet have all their teeth and the ability to chew up a mouthful of steak and kale, but kids who do. Conceptually, that is. Why is […]

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Intermittent Fasting on the Plane

Goodbye for now, Europe, and hello from 35,000 feet! It’s been a lovely ten days of traveling, racing, enjoying the local cuisine and now, as I fly home from Venice, it seemed appropriate to elaborate a little on one of the topics I only briefly mentioned last week: using a flight as a time to […]

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Win Some, Lose Some

What a day it was! I couldn’t have asked for better conditions; being someone who loves racing in high temperatures, the 90 odd thermostat reading as the gun went off to start the race on Sunday made for an ideal race day set up. While the later start time, 11:46 am, was new to me […]

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Hello! Today’s the day: Ironman 70.3 World Championship, coming to you live from beautiful Zell Am See, Austria. The week leading up to the event couldn’t have been more idyllic and it’s with excitement, focus and gratitude that I’ll be towing the start line with a few thousand fellow athletes at 11:44 am. Follow along […]

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Clean Eating Made Easy, in Europe

One of my favorite things about dining while traveling in the EU is how simple it is, not only to eat well in terms of ordering veggies and protein, but to be able to identify without a doubt whether or not a meal or packaged food has anything sneaky hidden in it. While it’s easy […]

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Dining, Resting, Relaxing…and Racing in Austria

Hello from Kaprun! An idyllic Alpine Spa nestled in the Austria Alps has thus far proven to be the epitome of an athlete’s home away from home while preparing for the main event- the 70.3 World Championships this Sunday, the 30th of August. While not as rich in history as it’s big brother, the Ironman […]

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Eating Right on the Road…Literally On the Road

This morning, as Chris, my husband, and I, packed up and left our charming little villa in Venice where we’d spent the last three nights to make the journey first to the main land, then by car to Austria, I wondered what was in store for us in terms of dining options along the way. […]

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Dining in Venice, Paleoista Style

What are the options above and beyond looking for gluten free pasta? Any time I travel, whether to a not too distant race up the coast, a vacation in Mexico or spending the holidays with family across the pond, the first thing I do is determine what type of exercise I’ll be able to do, […]

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