Does Fructose Cause Hunger?

When it comes to fruit, there seems to be two camps. There are those who classify fruit and veggies under one heading and proudly say that they eat loads of fruit each day (but don’t mention the fact that their veggie consumption pales in comparison). Their kids start the day with freshly squeezed orange juice […]

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At Home Remedies for Stomach Aches

Yesterday, I wrote about hidden causes of stomach pain, and how all too often, when we head to the doctor with symptoms including bloating, gas, diarrhea and then some, we’re not often asked about what we’re eating. It becomes our task to become our own investigators and troubleshoot our way through what foods may be […]

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Paleo Foods to Battle an Upset Stomach

Indigestion? Throw down a little bit of Pepto and you’ll be back to normal in no time flat. Bloating? Oh, that’s just a normal part of aging.   Just pop into your doctor’s office and he’ll be sure to prescribe something to take the discomfort away. Hopefully you’ve been reading my blog long enough to see […]

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Workday Workout: Sneaking in Exercise at the Office

No time to train? Maybe you’re not positioning it correctly. Just because your schedule has become so hectic that there no longer seems room for the Soul Cycle class you’ve fallen in love with any more than once a week, it doesn’t mean you’ve got to leave it at a mere sixty minutes of moving […]

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Why Is Everything Fried and Brown?

Why must it be such an ordeal to find fresh things to eat? Why are items that have been breaded, coated, battered and deep-fried, thus rendering that lovely brownish-orange fried look the norm, while freshly steamed broccoli or some sliced turkey are not? Don’t get me wrong; it’s very possible and not even that difficult […]

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What Does it Take to Be an Ironman?

Strength, determination, focus and mental fortitude might come to mind, all of which are true. For many, it’s a one- time think to check off their bucket list. For others, it starts that way but becomes so incredibly fulfilling on so many levels that it becomes a lifelong part of who they are even though […]

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