There is nothing tricky to the Paleo approach. I often hesitate to call it a diet as that can imply a direct endpoint as well as infer a host of other unattractive, negative associations such as deprivation, restriction for a while, followed by a frustrated binge and then a repeat of the cycle over […]
Read More ›When I saw the subject line of a recent article on Livestrong, I had to admit, I cringed. “7 Healthy Paleo Dinner Recipes” sent me straight to all the pseudo Paleo ideas out there- things using grass-fed dairy, or gluten-free soy sauce or huge amounts of honey…but happily, none of these things applied! Whoever contributed […]
Read More ›I just came across a Pinterest page entitled Healthy Paleo Snacks and Treats. Of course, I had to take a peek. And, of course, many of the recipes were just…not. A few in particular that stood out: Guilt-Free Ice Cream! Just 3 ingredients: frozen bananas, peanut butter, and cocoa powder (peanut butter?) 1/2 cup peanut […]
Read More ›I certainly hope not. But there’s clearly a lot of work that needs to be done. Just this past week, I had an opportunity to speak at length with a woman who teaches kindergarten at one of New York City’s Public Schools. She commented that yes, there are vegetables offered, but they’re so horribly prepared […]
Read More ›Um…. all of them? If they’re food in the first place? Why does food need to have a printed date on the label, and why does it need a label? Is it even food then? Oh, dear, here I go. Yesterday, I received and email with the subject line asking the question above. Or, rather, […]
Read More ›“I don’t have time to cook“, is one of the most common complaints I hear from clients. “After a busy day with the kids, or twelve hours at the office, the last thing I want to do is spend hours slaving away over a hot stove“, is another. Well, guess what? Neither have to be […]
Read More ›Who ever said a salad had to be little, boring and not remotely filling? The joke that salads are the equivalent of ‘rabbit food’ usually comes to a screeching halt when I have guests for dinner. I don’t do anything that I’d call too fancy; rather, I just let my creative cooking mind guide […]
Read More ›One very, very important distinction about the True Paleo regime is the source, and subsequent quality, of our proteins. Fresh, wild salmon and packaged, smoked salmon are not interchangeable. Nor are the occasional serving of uncured bacon from pastured pork and the Oscar Meyer’s shrink-wrapped, sodium nitrate and nitrite-rich variety. And when we get into […]
Read More ›This was the premise of an ad I glimpsed: a young-ish couple, having recently put their kids to put, made sure no one was around to ‘catch them in the act’, and then out came the Lucky Charm’s Cereal and the hidden Nintendo Console for a ‘fun’ evening of playing Super Mario Brothers and eating […]
Read More ›Interested in learning a little about what the real deal of True Paleo living is all about? Discover the Benefits of a Paleo Diet tomorrow…for free! Tune in to a webinar hosted by Sprouts Nutritionist Janet Little as I present Eat Food and Move! Click here to register! “Gain energy, get lean and feel […]
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