The other day, I stopped into a little market to pick up a few bits that I was short on for my the cooking I’d planned to do for myself and my husband this weekend. Since we had two rather long days with big volume training in the queue for Saturday and Sunday, I planned […]
Read More ›I love dogs. In particular, having just lost our 15 y/o Weim, Daisy, barely a year after her brother passed away (both shown above, 2009), I feel inclined to approach any Weimaraner I see to say hello. Just the other day, I saw a seemingly older Weim being walked by her mom on the […]
Read More ›When you’re just getting started on your weekly Hour in the Kitchen, it’s easy to buy the wrong quantities of foods. Too much fruit, not enough veggies? Enough pastured chicken to feed an army but barely enough wild salmon to feed your toddler? Happens all the time. It’s part of the learning curve to […]
Read More ›This was the subject line on a recent email I received from a rather well-known ‘healthy eating/living’ online journal. “Have this yummy quick bread with a side of low-fat Greek yogurt and you’ll get the carbs and protein you need to fuel exercise and recovery.“, stated the description of the recipe I saw once I […]
Read More ›Sitting. In the words of Juan Carlos Santana, it really is the root of all evil. For a combination of reasons, the more we sit, the worse our bodies feel. Poor posture, decreased caloric expenditure and a strong correlation with a tendency to feel less alert are only a few reasons we might consider […]
Read More ›“Hi!! I feel so clean and less water retention when I eat your recipes, but how do you suggest to not obsess about food when you are trying to make the Paleo switch?” wrote in a blog reader the other day… The most common issue I see clients dealing with when they report feeling ‘obsessed […]
Read More ›According to Learnist, a “crowd-sourced collection of the world’s knowledge, with curated web, text and video content on Learnboards™ covering tens-of-thousands of topics”, we should all be eating peanuts. Why? Because of their ability to: Can Lower Cholesterol Control Blood Sugar Lose Fat Make You Lean Provide Good Fats Boost Memory Power Provide Protective Nutrients Hmmm… […]
Read More ›I had to laugh to myself. Last week in Amsterdam at one of the most premium hotels, I ordered a large side of garlicky sautéed spinach with my breakfast of two runny eggs and salmon. I told the server I liked a lot of veggies so please ask the chef to prepare a nice, hefty […]
Read More ›Why is it assumed that one would automatically want certain things with their meal when dining out? A basked of bread with butter is easy enough to turn away before the server actually even places it on the table but what about sides that come with a meal that weren’t on the menu? This evening, […]
Read More ›Oh, geez….here we go again. One of the interesting parts of receiving subscriptions to several triathlon and running periodicals is all the curious promotions from random products ranging from compression socks to running water bottles to ‘EPO Boost’ pills to, of course, ‘sports nutrition’. I feel the need to use quotes as many of the […]
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