I’m not quite sure, but I don’t need to learn, now that I’ve found two good ‘in a pinch’ options for travel! I spent my first afternoon in Amsterdam wandering around all the shops along the canals, throughout the museum district near our hotel and into Old Town, too. I popped into a juice […]
Read More ›The idea of eating an occasional serving of uncured bacon from pastured pork gets taken out of context all too often within the Paleo community, and many find themselves eating frequent servings of poor quality bacon of the Oscar Meyer calibre as part of their daily regime. Not a great idea, neither for the […]
Read More ›Why bother? What is the point of stating that something is a healthy food choice when it’s just outright rubbish? We see this time and time again. Sugar-rich cereals that claim to be a great source of calcium. Enriched white bread whose package screams how much fiber it contains. Entire, neatly […]
Read More ›I’ve grown quite used to tasting olive oil on its own. At home, whenever we go out to dine and the ubiquitous bread basket is placed on the table, I’ll often dip my spoon in the small dish filled with oil before anyone has dunked their bread in, simply to taste. So, you can […]
Read More ›Whenever I’m heading out of town, there’s always at least one client or friend that will jokingly ask me how I’ll possibly stay true to my Paleo regime even amongst all the ‘X’ food (whatever any particular country is known for). When I headed to Madison for a race one year it was, “How are […]
Read More ›I love bananas. They’re quite possibly my favorite fruit for an important part of a post-endurance swim, bike or run recovery meal, as well as something I’ll eat during one of said activities if it’s one I’m approaching from the perspective of long aerobic versus short and fasted. But what about the mess? Yes, […]
Read More ›I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this very statement: My grandmother at soy every day and lived to be 105! At nearly every lecture I’ve given, there’s always one person who, when they learn about the toxic properties of soy and why they’re not healthy, even beyond the fact that they’re not […]
Read More ›Good Morning America featured a story about Paleo the other day. Unfortunately, unlike the open minded and accurate view of Paleo I was able to present on Dr. Oz, this show got it so, so wrong that it pained me to watch it. First of all, at the beginning of the segment, we see cream, green […]
Read More ›Check out the website of the good old USD (EatRight.org) and you can easily decipher the legal definition of the two food-industry terms: “Both terms mean that nutrients have been added to make the food more nutritious. Enriched means nutrients that were lost during food processing have been added back. An example is adding back […]
Read More ›Imagine if everything we ate really was food. Recall the definition of it, from Webster’s Dictionary: “any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life,provide energy, promote growth, etc.” Now, take a quick pause and ask yourself how much of what you put in your mouth fits that description. Alternatively, what percentage of what you voluntarily ingest does not? Cakes, cookies, candies, breads, soda, pasta, cereal, bagels, […]
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