An online farmer’s market? Well, not quite… Harvest Your Health has launched a new eMarket that is really worth checking out. Unlike the bundle sale you’ve become quite familiar with, this is simply an online place to check out some cool things, such as Paleo recipes, tips on fertility and pregnancy, fitness and working/blogging from home. […]
Read More ›Have a quick peruse of the Bragg’s Amino Acid Website, and you’ll see a list of health benefits: A source of delicious, nutritious, life-renewing protein. Taste you’ll love – Nutrition you need. Great on salads, veggies, dressings, soups, rice, beans, Wok foods, tofu, gravies, jerky, poultry, fish, popcorn, meats, casseroles, potatoes, etc Contains important healthy […]
Read More ›There are two things that most clients tell me are deal makers when they’re deciding whether or not to implement a True Paleo regime: drinking coffee and having an alcoholic drink. As if by including these two beverages that are part of many a modern day situation, the decision to move forward, or not, becomes […]
Read More ›A bowl of high-sugar, multi-colored grain pellets marketed as breakfast cereal, with a silly, cartoon rabbit on the package. A dish of fluorescent orange macaroni and ‘cheese’ (although, many packaged brands don’t actually even have real cheese in the ingredients…) with the image of Spiderman on the box. A chilled glass of Kool-Aid to provide ‘refreshment’ […]
Read More ›It happened again today. I was dining at a Japanese restaurant with a friend, very much in the mood for sashimi, and I gave the usual briefing to the server- no gluten, so soy, no dairy. She assured me the items I’d selected would, indeed, be free of all of the above, (not too hard […]
Read More ›I’ve got an idea. It could be groundbreaking and I’ve already got some key components of the idea, so please, read on. Along with my launch of the NYC Wing of my brand, Paleoista, comes some new and exciting changes. In the past, a large part of the business has been one on one […]
Read More ›I am not referring to Splenda, Sweet & Low or Nutrasweet. I am talking about reconditioning your taste buds and your body to not want the sweet stuff in the first place. Cutting the sugar is hard, indeed, but it’s not hard for a long time. If you’re a real sugar addict, you’ll likely experience […]
Read More ›Have you ever noticed an odd feeling of your teeth feeling gritty after eating spinach? Something that seems to only happen after eating this one leafy green in particular, that leaves a sensation almost akin to having dirt on your teeth? I certainly have. And while it’s easily remedied by a quick brushing of the […]
Read More ›Cauliflower. Crunchy, tasty and a nutritional powerhouse…despite its lack of color! As an excellent source of vitamin C, and a very good source of manganese, it’s a great source of antioxidants, has anti inflammatory benefits and can decrease our risk of cancers and other chronic diseases (especially cardiovascular diseases). High in fiber, it’s also a […]
Read More ›Recently a reader wrote in, asking if I could recommend a good Paleo-friendly recipe for pate. Let’s start with defining it. According to Wiki… Pâté is a mixture of cooked ground meat and fat minced into a spreadable paste. Common additions include vegetables, herbs, spices, and either wine or cognac, armagnac or brandy. Pâté can be served either hot or cold, but it is considered to develop its fullest […]
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