Paleo Superbowl- Is It Possible?

Indeed, it is. In fact, I’ve written a few posts on this very topic, but before I do so for this year’s event, I’d like to get some feedback from you, my readers! What dish do you feel is a must-have at your Superbowl Party this year?  Go ahead, give me your best shot and […]

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Sometimes, You Just Need Some Broccoli…

It happens to all of us.  No matter how much we prep and plan, there are, inevitably, times when we’re out and about longer than planned and find ourselves hit with a sudden sensation of being absolutely starving. Starry eyed, dizzy and with a growling stomach is no way to function. So what to do? […]

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Set Point, Paleo, or Both?

I just finished watching a TED Talk given by neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt entitled “Why Dieting Doesn’t Usually Work”. She explains how the body has a ‘set point’ and, like it or not, it’s a range within which our body desperately tries to keep our weight.  It can vary from ten to fifteen pounds, but according to […]

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Unexpected Progress

“I noticed that getting in and out of my car is a lot easier since we started working together,” remarked one of my private fitness training clients this morning. While that wasn’t amongst his initial goals, which included losing some weight, trimming down on the belly a bit and taking his workouts up a notch, […]

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Almond Meal Overload?

“I’ve been making my own almond milk  out of almonds & filtered water, then drying the meal that’s left in the cheesecloth.  What would be the best way to use the meal without adding a whole lot of sugary stuff to it and making baked goods?   Wonder if I could add it to the […]

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Simple Doesn’t Have to Be Boring

It’s easy to get bored on any kind of eating plan if we take the route of sticking to just a few foods, prepared the same way all the time and eating with nothing to jazz them up. It’s not necessarily an unhealthy approach; certainly by eating fresh veggies, wild proteins and healthy fats at […]

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A User’s Manual for the Body

When we have a question about our taxes, we ask our CPA.  If we need to know something about our last will and testament, we can check with our attorney.  And if something goes wrong with our washing machine, we can give the local appliance guy a buzz and have it fixed in a jiffy. […]

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Kelp Noodles

I’m laughing to myself as I eat some kelp on top of my arugula, pastured chicken, avocado and sun dried tomato salad. Or rather, kelp ‘noodles’. Why do we have to reassign new names which we associate to processed food byproducts (like pasta) to foods found in nature that happen to have a similar shape, […]

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Which Spices Are Paleo?

More or less, any naturally dried herb or spice, as well as their fresh counterpart, are not only Paleo acceptable, they’re good for you! Each offers numerous health benefits in addition to their contribution to the overall flavor profile of any given dish. If you’re buying fresh, opt for organic and be sure to wash […]

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