Humane Farming- An Oxymoron?
I don’t think so.
But many people do. Recently, a reader responded to a post I wrote about being vegan by sending me a few links to some sites which focus on how, in their hosts opinions, there is no such thing as humane farming…
Such a delicate topic to write about, and in particular for anyone who is vegan and who feels that ‘meat is murder’.
Admittedly, I fell into that category when I was vegan. Speaking solely for myself, not only was I adamant about what I felt was wrong and right, I was also unwilling to listen to any other point of view. I chalk that up at least in part to the fact that I was young; only in my early twenties, and felt almost entitled. I had a top ten list memorized verbatim of why eating meat was wrong. No one was going to tell me otherwise.
As part of my own personal growth, evolution and desperation to find some way to eat which didn’t leave me lacking in energy and ill with horrible GI distress, I had to become more open minded.
Thank God I did, or I doubt I’d ever have adapted my lifestyle to what it has been for the last seven years – Paleo- and far, far from vegan.
What has not changed, as previously stated, is my belief in supporting humane ranchers, fishermen and farmers- and yes, they do exist, as I’ve seen with my own eyes.
Unless, of course, the argument that one has in the idea that humane farming is an oxymoron is based on their view that if there’s a death, it is, therefore inhumane.
Here is the bottom line: I’m not interested in convincing anyone that their way is wrong and the Paleo way is right. Of course, I whole heartedly believe in Paleo done properly and I’ll always take the opportunity to educate on the topic, but I do not make it a habit to ‘talk people into going Paleo’.
What would be the point?
I wouldn’t want someone to attempt to convince me that I should nix Paleo and begin including daily trips to the bakery or burger joint; in fact, the very act would repel me from that if I were ever even remotely considering that in the first place.
Studies abound to support every way of eating one can fathom. If you’re confused about who to believe and what diet to follow, my best advice is to do your own homework.
Ask what makes sense and what sounds like a gimmick. (Do you really think a cookie diet makes sense?)
See who funds studies (is it a surprise that a study funded by a pharmaceutical company is going to find that taking their weight loss pills work, despite the laundry list of side effects they rattle off which we’re now so used to that we don’t think twice about it?).
Then, once you’ve narrowed down your options, test the ways of eating out for yourself.
For me, Paleo seemed doable in a very common-sense kind of way. Eat lots of fresh veggies, fruit, lean proteins and healthy fats, and don’t eat anything processed. There is science behind it, and I tried it myself and found it to be, hands down, the way of eating that enabled me to feel the best I’d ever felt by a long shot.
Open your mind and consider all your options.
It’s only you who you’re selling short if you don’t.