It’s The Diet, I Promise!

The other day, I received a compliment from a kind, elderly gentleman.  He approached me and asked what I did in order to achieve good muscle tone on my arms.

“Yoga?”, he asked?  I told him that while I do enjoy yoga, it’s actually something I’m just now getting back into, for no other reason than I’ve had a hard time finding a teacher with whom to study that I like as much as the teacher I trained with for years, quite some time ago.

“Oh, then pilates?  Weight Training?  What do you do?”

I explained that while I do swim, bike and run, it’s really all about the diet.

How do I know this?

Because I worked out for years and years before I was Paleo and I never looked as lean or as toned as I wanted to.  Yes, I was fit, not overweight by any stretch and racing triathlon, but I always just looked….’regular’.  Soft, even.

From the time I first got my driver’s license and could work out at the local gym, to the time I began doing more running to when I added triathlon training and even ironman to the regime… it wasn’t until I changed my diet to Paleo and cut out all the fillers that I finally began to achieve the results I wanted, from an aesthetic point of view.

If you’re in doubt, give it a try yourself.  Try True Paleo for one full month and see if you don’t begin to get closer to landing in that lean physique you’ve been aiming for.

What we eat is a greater percentage of the equation of how we look than the type of activity we choose to engage in.
