Portable Pre-Workout Meal: Babyfood!

Yes, I'm serious; I eat baby food.   Why not just eat a regular banana with some egg whites, right before a workout?  NO reason at all EXCEPT- you can keep a jar or two of natural, nothing added baby food in your gym bag and, since it's non-perishable, you needn't worry about it going bad overnight, or getting squashed between your Nikes and your Pull Buoy!  

The jar shown above on the Left has the following ingredient panel:  banana; on the Right:  Banana, Mango.  They have 80 calories so, if mixed with a little egg white protein powder (also non perishable), this can make a VERY easy to make, easy to digest pre-workout snack for a short lunch time session, or en route to the PM Master's Swim.

*Not a sufficient "meal" for before you head out for a century ride, or a 3 hr hard training run… you get the idea!