Filling Up? Carbs & The Cold!

Yes, the cold weather is coming (go ahead, call me a lightweight!  I admit that after living in LA for 16 yrs temps under 60 do feel cold, but this message applies to feeling cold… and so…)

Are you starting to think about staying indoors, and eating warm, filling foods- hearty things like creamy pasta dishes and cheese-laden soups, finished off with seasonal pies and an after dinner coffee/milky/liqueur that is likely enough calories all on it's own to be a meal in itself?

Let's deconstruct.

Take a look at the word "filling'.

Why do we want to 'fill' our bodies?

Think about who/what gets filled.   When cattle on feedlots need to be fattened up, they get 'filled' with grain (big surprise here, grain is nothing but a filler!).   When chickens in factory farms need to be fattened up, they get 'filled' with corn.     When we buy less than premium food for our dogs, what's in the ingredients?  "Fillers" like corn and wheat- which dogs (or their ancestors) would never eat in the wild.

Now let's look at what we really feel when we're 'full'.  Heavy?  Stuffed? Even sleepy, maybe?

And that's what we're aiming for?


Revisit this.

How about thinking about being nourished and fueled, but light, energetic, fresh and ready to go ahead with your day full-stop.   Guess what kind of foods will support this?   Foods that are… FOOD!   Real, whole foods, such that we eat on the #PaleoDiet.   Fresh veg, fruit, lean meats, healthy fats, eaten in proper ratios and portion sizes.

That's the ticket to keeping healthy and fit, starting NOW through the holiday season.

So, yes- keep warm- drink herbal tea, steam and poach your meals during the colder temps perhaps more often than opting for cold and raw… but keep it real and keep it paleo… and:  don't 'FILL' yourself like cattle on a feedlot!