Grilling Peaches For A Delicious & Healthy Dessert!

Peach season is here & local peaches are finally at the Whole Foods I shop at!  

This is exciting news as it doesn't last for long, so we should all take advantage of it.

Of course, peaches are absolutely devine eaten raw, as is, but why not explore some more peach possibilities?

One of my favorite options is grilled peaches!

Just as roasting a red bell pepper brings out it's flavor, throwing some peaches on your outdoor grill during the summer can create some of the most intense, peachy flavor you may have experienced!

Why spoil this lovely fruit by coating it with dough (good bye, peach pie!), or topping it with white sugar (later on, crumble!)?

-Wash and halve some peaches.

-Toss with a splash of canola oil (here's one time where olive oil could potentially be a bit overpowering).

-If you like, you can also add in some fresh mint or a squeeze of lemon and let sit to 'marinate' for an hour or so.

-Fire up the grill (after making sure it's been cleaned since the last Carne Asada meal you cooked!), and throw the peach halves on, keeping a close eye and turning every 5' minutes until done.

-Remove from heat and let cool a few minutes before serving…

Sometimes the simplest things are the nicest! 
