November 27, 2012
Holiday Tip # 2: Treats As Gifts
Thinking about homemade goodies for presents?
One reader wrote in with a great suggestion for a blog topic. Being an avid baker and cook, she used to spend hours on end preparing goodies filled with love, but also with sugar, gluten and dairy, for friends and family. Now that she’s been Paleo for nearly a year (and, by the way is slim and svelte after shedding those extra pounds!), she’s wondering about paleo giveaways.
What are some other options?
- Go nuts! Make your own spiced nut blends using organic raw nuts and mixing them with your favorite sweet or savory spices, then giving them a light toast to bring out their flavor. Try cinnamon with coconut oil on macadamias, chili powder with lime on cashews or ginger and a drop of honey on almonds.
- Speaking of spices, why not make your own blends? You can easily procure small glass vessels at many cookery shops and with a little art-and-craftiness, make your own labels. Then, all that’s left to do is blend up some of your favorite combinations and send them along to the happy recipients!
- Finally, rather than giving the proverbial fish, you can teach someone ‘how to fish’ by sharing a collection of your own fave Paleo recipes. Depending on who the audience is, you can opt to use, or not to use the word Paleo (as it can be daunting to some); simply label it as your own private collection and share the sage advice!