Root Beer- A Definite Paleo NO NO!!

Of course, we all know that cavemen didn't drink soft drinks.   But will an occasional soda cause harm?  YES!  So- if you're thinking of having a traditional root-beer float on the 4th, read on:

Root Beer is one of the highest sources of the anti nutrients, Saponins.  In a nut-shell, ingesting this is a bad idea, and over time can contribute to leaky gut, Crohn's Disease, IBS, Colitis, inflammation, infection, acne, joint pain and on, and on and on!  Avoiding anti nutrients such as these, as well as lectins, found in grains, is one of the key factors of following a healthy Paleo Diet.


So- skip the root beer float, and go for a healthier choice on the 4th. If you're going to splurge, perhaps a refreshing homemade lemon sorbet is in the works.  Or, keep it simple and stick with good old fresh fruit- so many wonderful summer options are in season, you're sure not to get bored!
