Brothing it Up for the Holidays

What’s your favorite way to get your broth on?
While there’s no doubting the easiest way to drink your daily cup is simply to heat it on the stove top and sip away, who ever said that’s the only way to enjoy this healing panacea?
One of my own personal faves is to heat my grass fed and finished beef bone broth, already rich in flavor, thanks to the marrow’s contribution, combine it with a spoon full of ghee, blend it, add a dash of ginger and go.
Not only is this idea one great for those who choose to implement intermittent fasting and / or a higher fat day of an authentic Paleo regime, it’s also incredibly handy for anyone on the go who simply may not have factored in ample time to stop and eat a meal.
Another extremely way to put this healing food into good use is to include it as a recipe ingredient.
Now that the cool fall weather is upon is, if we eat seasonally, this often translates to wanting more of a warming meal, and soups and stews are the first thing that comes to mind.
One customer at my local markets got creative and used the beef broth to shortcut a recipe for Boeuf Bourguignon while another made an AIP compliant recipe for Pho, using shirataki noodles in place of traditional rice noodles, which can be inflammatory.
Or, make good use of all the pumpkins that abound in the markets by cubing them then roasting and doing a simple puree with your favorite bone broth, topped off with some toasted seeds and a dash of coconut cream (easily made when not in the tropics by blending some coconut butter with water), as shown above.
When we start off with a mindfully sourced, thoughtfully curated bone broth as a staple in our diets, we’re already a step in the right direction insomuch as having a single food which is not only tremendously good for us, but that also tastes incredible.
Then, since no effort is needed in order to create flavor, but rather just add to it, the pressure is off and we can truly be creative in the kitchen with our bone broth as our base.