Got the Guts to Eat Some Guts?
I'm not exactly sure how this happened over the course of probably a couple hundred years, but why does it seem that many people are happy to eat skeletal muscle of animal, but distgusted to eat any other 'bits', like organ meats or marrow?
Before you were Paleo, did you ever eat a hot dog? What do you suppose was in that? Just because it was in the shape of a tube, did that somehow make it more palatable?
If you're someone who's reading my blog and you're vegan, I can see why, for ethical reasons, you feel eating muscle and organs as one in the same.
But if you're Paleo, and you have no issue with grass fed flank steak, wild salmon or free range poultry, then why not add some bison heart, salmon skin and chicken liver to your arsenal of proteins?
Organ meats are LOADED with health benefits, a few of which include:
- Liver is a great source of Vitamin A, Bs and iron.
- Heart is full of Selenium, Phosphorus, Zinc, CoEnzyme Q10 and Folate.
- Marrow is a great source of poylunsaturated fatty acids and Vitamins A & K.
Be a little adventurous and do as our Paleo ancestors did before us; try eating the WHOLE animal! Well, not at one sitting, but you get where I'm going!