Paleo on the Front Page of the Times’ Dining Section!

Nope, I’m not making this up. There’s an article with a completely Paleo recipe on the front cover of today’s Dining Section in a piece by Melissa Clark . The focus is all about how despite perhaps not being the prettiest cut to look at, skirt steak can be a go-to to ‘throw on the grill’. Then, the recipe, which calls for basil, scallions, lemon thyme leaves, garlic, jalapeños, lemon, olive oil and of course, skirt steak. Make a marinade and cook it then serve it up with some veggies. This is Paleo. Simple. Real. Good. Sometimes it pays to portray it more on the subtle side.  Rather than seeing yet another cookbook, website or blog blasting it’s latest (silly) recipe for (faux)Paleo brownies, pancakes or bread, this is the real deal and without even saying so. Paleo is just…food.